There's a giant angel and she's eating Caroline's guitarrgghhh
Compared to Norah Jones crossed with Alanis Morisette, this year is a promising time for Caroline as she plays gigs up and down the country promoting her newly released EP Comforting Words. Liverpool celebrates Capital of Culture in 2008 and Caroline has been chosen by the BBC as "One to Watch" an accolade she is determined to justify. The EP is out now on iTunes and from and her debut album is coming soon.
Mary Mac has been singing and writing songs in the music business for around twenty years. At 19 she joined Adam 812 who supported various bands such as The Average White Band and Run Rig and were also Jessie Rae's backing band.
Mary's new album, "Life aint Like Hollywood" is her second solo album. It is a collection of nine songs, with eight originally composed by Mary. The songs are in a jazz pop genre, with the presence of subtle folk and country undertones bubbling under the surface. Life aint Like Hollywood features jazz stalwarts Brian Kellock (piano), Ronnie Rae (double bass), John Rae (drums), Mario Caribe (double bass) and the most famous drummer in the world... Ian Stoddard.
19.30; 20.00; 20.30; 21.00; 23.00
Mary Mac
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